Moody Air Force Base, Georgia

USACE - Savannah District
Contract Number: W912-HN-13-C0011
Contact: John Michael Abeln (706) 513-5152

IKBI, Inc. was the contractor for this Design/ Build project consisting of a 27,000 SF flight simulator training facility containing a high bay volume to house two simulators. The structure consists of steel frame over concrete slab on grade and metal stud wall framing and a Standing Seam Metal Roof System. The facility houses a HC-130J full-flight simulator and the portable flight simulator for the HH-60. In addition, this secured facility houses the simulators, control systems, training and instructor personnel classrooms, mission brief/ debrief rooms, and administrative support.

Supporting facilities include a 100-space parking lot, extension and connection of all necessary utilities, sidewalks, and landscaping. Initial demolition of all existing infrastructure was also part of the project. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Version 2009 Silver Certification was achieved under the New Construction category.

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